80+ Most Popular Uzbek Names for Girls

Selecting a name for your baby girl is a significant choice blending cultural richness and personal preference. Uzbek names for girls offer a spectrum of meanings and beauty. Explore our curated list of the most popular Uzbek names, each reflecting heritage and charm, to help find the perfect name for your daughter.
80+ Most Popular Uzbek Names for Girls
No. | Name | Uzbek Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Nigora | Нигора | Precious stone |
2 | Gulnoza | Гулноза | Blooming flower |
3 | Mavluda | Мавлуда | Blessed |
4 | Shahzoda | Шаҳзода | Princess |
5 | Malika | Малика | Queen |
6 | Feruza | Феруза | Turquoise |
7 | Dilnoza | Дилноза | Heart’s delight |
8 | Zulfiya | Зулфия | Beautiful |
9 | Madina | Мадина | City of the Prophet |
10 | Nilufar | Нилуфар | Water lily |
11 | Zarina | Зарина | Golden |
12 | Mahbuba | Маҳбуба | Beloved |
13 | Munira | Мунира | Illuminating |
14 | Gulchehra | Гулчехра | Face of a flower |
15 | Gulbahor | Гулбаҳор | Spring flower |
16 | Shakhnoza | Шахноза | Noble |
17 | Umida | Умида | Hope |
18 | Zarnigor | Зарнигор | Treasure |
19 | Nodira | Нодира | Rare |
20 | Dilorom | Дилором | Heart’s peace |
21 | Sitora | Ситора | Star |
22 | Shohista | Шоҳиста | Desire |
23 | Gulruxsor | Гулрухсор | Light of the flower |
24 | Mehriniso | Меҳринисо | Sun of the dawn |
25 | Nasiba | Насиба | Fortunate |
26 | Zamira | Замира | Good-hearted |
27 | Zebiniso | Зебинисо | Beautiful and pure |
28 | Aziza | Азиза | Beloved |
29 | Vohidaxon | Воҳидаксон | Unique daughter |
30 | Nargiza | Наргиза | Narcissus flower |
31 | Shahnoza | Шаҳноза | Noble light |
32 | Gavhar | Ғавҳар | Gemstone |
33 | Ozoda | Озода | Free |
34 | Davron | Даврон | Eternal |
35 | Munisa | Муниса | Companion |
36 | Maftuna | Мафтуна | Lucky |
37 | Parvina | Парвина | Pleiades |
38 | Ferangiz | Ферангиз | Unique soul |
39 | Gulshan | Гулшан | Garden of flowers |
40 | Gulnora | Гулнора | Light of flowers |
41 | Gulchekhra | Гулчехра | Flower of the universe |
42 | Nozima | Нозима | Precious |
43 | Shabnam | Шабнам | Morning dew |
44 | Gulsara | Гулсара | Queen of flowers |
45 | Surayyo | Сурайё | Noble |
46 | Fotima | Фотима | Pure |
47 | Nargis | Наргис | Narcissus |
48 | Mastura | Мастура | Hidden treasure |
49 | Hurshida | Ҳуршида | Happy |
50 | Ziyoda | Зиёда | Unique |
51 | Mahfirat | Маҳфират | Forgiveness |
52 | Tursunoy | Турсуной | Sunny day |
53 | Gulandom | Гуландом | I am a flower |
54 | Mohinur | Моҳинур | Moonlight |
55 | Gulbarg | Гулбарг | Rose garden |
56 | Dilfuza | Дилфуза | Heart’s purity |
57 | Dilshoda | Дилшода | Happy heart |
58 | Gulrukh | Гулрух | Face like a flower |
59 | Zarafshan | Зарафшан | Sprinkling gold |
60 | Gullola | Гуллола | Blooming flower |
61 | Shahodat | Шаҳодат | Witness |
62 | Dilbar | Дилбар | Heart-stealer |
63 | Zulaykho | Зулайхо | Charming |
64 | Laylo | Лайло | Night |
65 | Malohat | Малоҳат | Gift |
66 | Shaxzoda | Шахзода | Noble princess |
67 | Nigina | Нигина | Precious |
68 | Mahina | Маҳина | Moon |
69 | Munavvara | Мунаввара | Illuminated |
70 | Tano | Тано | Dawn |
71 | Bahor | Баҳор | Spring |
72 | Surayo | Сурайё | Noble |
73 | Zulfizar | Зулфизар | Adornment of gold |
74 | Tojihon | Тожихон | Blessed |
75 | Bahrom | Баҳром | Victory |
76 | Mahfuza | Маҳфуза | Protected |
77 | Iroda | Ирода | Gift of nature |
78 | Farangiz | Фарангиз | Unique soul |
79 | Firuza | Фируза | Turquoise |
80 | Marjona | Маржона | Coral |
81 | Shoira | Шоира | Poetess |
82 | Muhayyo | Муҳайё | Moonlight |
Read more: Most Popular Uzbek Names for Boys
In conclusion,
Exploring Uzbek names for girls reveals a tapestry of cultural heritage and timeless elegance. Each name on our list carries its own unique story and significance, providing a beautiful array of options for your daughter. Whether you lean towards traditional roots or contemporary flair, these popular Uzbek names offer meaningful choices that resonate deeply. May your chosen name bring joy and pride to your family as your daughter grows and embraces her identity.

Hello! I’m Emma Wells, born in 1989, and currently immersed in the field of psychological counseling for children. Beyond my role as a counselor, I’ve also delved into the realm of content creation, specializing in crafting meaningful names for little ones. I firmly believe that each name is a profound gift, a companion that accompanies a child from the moment they step into this world through every milestone in their life’s journey.
My passion for psychological counseling stems from a deep understanding of the crucial formative years and the impact they have on an individual’s well-being. As a creative name curator, I find joy in weaving stories and emotions into each name, aiming to provide parents with not just a label but a source of inspiration and positivity for their child’s entire life.
With a commitment to fostering emotional well-being and creating a sense of identity from the very start, I embark on this journey as both a counselor and a creative force, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families.