100+ Most Popular Uzbek Names for Boys

Choosing a name for your baby boy is a meaningful decision that reflects cultural heritage and personal significance. Uzbek names, with their rich history and diverse meanings, offer a range of options to consider. Explore our curated list of the most popular Uzbek names for boys, each with its own unique charm and cultural identity.
100+ Most Popular Uzbek Names for Boys
No. | Name | Uzbek Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Azizbek | Азизбек | Beloved prince |
2 | Jasurbek | Жасурбек | Brave and joyful |
3 | Jamshid | Ҷамшӣд | Eternal ruler |
4 | Shahzod | Шаҳзод | Prince |
5 | Abbos | Аббос | Lion |
6 | Islom | Ислом | Islam |
7 | Bekzod | Бекзод | Noble and strong |
8 | Mirzo | Мирзо | Prince |
9 | Farrukh | Фаррух | Auspicious |
10 | Odil | Одил | Righteous |
11 | Rustam | Рустам | Brave |
12 | Saidbek | Саидбек | Blessed leader |
13 | Botir | Ботир | Heroic |
14 | Shukhrat | Шуҳрат | Fame |
15 | Jahongir | Жаҳонгир | World conqueror |
16 | Sobir | Собир | Patient |
17 | Doston | Дўстон | Friend |
18 | Anvar | Анвар | Bright |
19 | Azamat | Азамат | Dignity |
20 | Bahrom | Баҳром | Victorious |
21 | Javohir | Жавоҳир | Precious |
22 | Umid | Умид | Hope |
23 | Sanjar | Санжар | Dreamer |
24 | Komil | Комил | Perfect |
25 | Husan | Ҳусан | Beauty |
26 | Maruf | Маруф | Kind |
27 | Fazliddin | Фазлиддин | Excellence |
28 | Rakhmat | Рахмат | Mercy |
29 | Xushnud | Хушнуд | Joyous |
30 | Otabek | Отабек | Leader |
31 | Nodir | Нодир | Rare |
32 | Ibrohim | Иброҳим | Abraham |
33 | Farruh | Фарруҳ | Blissful |
34 | Dilshod | Дилшод | Happy heart |
35 | Nizomiddin | Низомиддин | Order of the Faithful |
36 | Abdullo | Абдулло | Servant of Allah |
37 | Murod | Мурод | Wish, desire |
38 | Jahon | Жаҳон | Universe |
39 | Sherali | Шерали | Lion-like |
40 | Alisher | Алишер | Lion |
41 | Zafar | Зафар | Victory |
42 | Iskandar | Искандар | Alexander |
43 | Ulugbek | Улуғбек | Great prince |
44 | Olim | Олим | Knowledgeable |
45 | Bahodir | Баҳодир | Fortunate |
46 | Ilhom | Илҳом | Inspiration |
47 | Ikrom | Икром | Honor |
48 | Sherzod | Шерзод | Lion’s son |
49 | Dilshat | Дилшат | Happy heart |
50 | Farhod | Фарҳод | Happiness |
51 | Sardor | Сардор | Leader |
52 | Eldor | Элдор | Gift of the moon |
53 | Alisherjon | Алишержон | Lion’s soul |
54 | Akmal | Акмал | Perfect |
55 | Davron | Даврон | Eternal |
56 | Baxrom | Баҳром | Prosperity |
57 | Temur | Темур | Iron |
58 | Azam | Азам | Greatest |
59 | Olimjon | Олимжон | Knowledgeable |
60 | Oybek | Ойбек | Moon’s leader |
61 | Sobirjon | Собиржон | Patient leader |
62 | Behzod | Беҳзод | Abundance |
63 | Jasur | Жасур | Brave |
64 | Asadbek | Асадбек | Lion |
65 | Jahongirbek | Жаҳонгирбек | World conqueror |
66 | Anvarbek | Анварбек | Bright prince |
67 | Islombek | Исломбек | Islam |
68 | Sanjarbek | Санжарбек | Dreamer prince |
69 | Firdavs | Фирдавс | Paradise |
70 | Mansur | Мансур | Victorious |
71 | Husniddin | Ҳусниддин | Beauty of the Faithful |
72 | Muhammadjon | Муҳаммаджон | Leader Muhammad |
73 | Jahonbek | Жаҳонбек | Universal prince |
74 | Davlatbek | Давлатбек | Ruler of the State |
75 | Islomiddin | Исломиддин | Faithful Islam |
76 | Sobirbek | Собирбек | Patient prince |
77 | Farhodbek | Фарҳодбек | Happiness prince |
78 | Ilhomjon | Илҳомжон | Inspired soul |
79 | Jamoliddin | Жамолиддин | Beautiful faith |
80 | Bahromjon | Баҳромжон | Fortunate soul |
81 | Shavkat | Шавкат | Mercy |
82 | Tohir | Тоҳир | Pure |
83 | Dilshodbek | Дилшодбек | Happy heart prince |
84 | Mukhammad | Муҳаммад | Muhammad |
85 | Zafarbek | Зафарбек | Victorious prince |
86 | Mirzohid | Мирзоҳид | Prince of wisdom |
87 | Xurshid | Хуршид | Sun |
88 | Rustambek | Рустамбек | Brave prince |
89 | Farkhodbek | Фарҳодбек | Happiness prince |
90 | Dilnoza | Дилноза | Heart’s delight |
91 | Sirojiddin | Сирожиддин | Light of faith |
92 | Sarvarbek | Сарварбек | Rich prince |
93 | Abror | Аброр | Devoted |
94 | Akbar | Акбар | Great |
95 | Oybekjon | Ойбекжон | Moon’s leader |
96 | Abbosbek | Аббосбек | Lion prince |
97 | Toji | Тожи | Blessed |
98 | Shohruh | Шоҳрух | Happy soul |
99 | Rakhim | Раҳим | Merciful |
100 | Xojiakbar | Хожиакбар | Noble Great |
101 | Dilshodjon | Дилшоджон | Happy heart |
102 | Otabekjon | Отабекжон | Leader |
103 | Xushnudbek | Хушнудбек | Joyous prince |
104 | Fozil | Фозил | Virtuous |
105 | Ibrohimjon | Иброҳимжон | Noble soul |
106 | Oybekbek | Ойбекбек | Moon’s leader |
107 | Sheralibek | Шералибек | Lion-like prince |
108 | Bexruz | Бехруз | Lucky |
109 | Muxiddin | Мухиддин | Leader of faith |
110 | Nurbek | Нурбек | Light prince |
111 | Foziljon | Фозилжон | Virtuous soul |
112 | Obidbek | Обидбек | Hopeful |
113 | Xayrulla | Хайрулло | Goodness |
114 | Zohid | Зоҳид | Eternal |
115 | Xushruy | Хушруй | Happy |
116 | Azamjon | Азамжон | Greatest soul |
117 | Muborak | Муборак | Blessed |
118 | Jasuriddin | Жасуриддин | Brave faith |
119 | Farrux | Фаррух | Auspicious |
120 | Aziz | Азиз | Beloved |
Read more: Most Popular Uzbek Names for Girls
In conclusion,
Selecting an Uzbek name for your son is not just about tradition but also about embracing a cultural legacy that spans generations. Each name on our list carries a story and significance that can resonate deeply with both family heritage and personal values. Whether you prefer a name steeped in Uzbekistan’s rich history or one that reflects modern influences, these popular choices provide a diverse array of options to inspire your decision-making process. May your chosen name bring joy and pride to your family as your son grows and thrives.

Hello! I’m Emma Wells, born in 1989, and currently immersed in the field of psychological counseling for children. Beyond my role as a counselor, I’ve also delved into the realm of content creation, specializing in crafting meaningful names for little ones. I firmly believe that each name is a profound gift, a companion that accompanies a child from the moment they step into this world through every milestone in their life’s journey.
My passion for psychological counseling stems from a deep understanding of the crucial formative years and the impact they have on an individual’s well-being. As a creative name curator, I find joy in weaving stories and emotions into each name, aiming to provide parents with not just a label but a source of inspiration and positivity for their child’s entire life.
With a commitment to fostering emotional well-being and creating a sense of identity from the very start, I embark on this journey as both a counselor and a creative force, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families.