80+ Most Popular Lao Names for Girls

Choosing the right name for a baby girl is a special and meaningful decision. This article delves into the most popular Lao names for girls, offering a glimpse into the beautiful and culturally rich naming traditions of Laos.

80+ Most Popular Lao Names for Girls

No. Name Lao Equivalent Meaning
1 Aluna ອະລູນາ Light, radiant
2 Malisa ມະລິສາ Beautiful, graceful
3 Phimpha ພິມພາ Flower
4 Phetmany ເພດມະນີ Precious and valuable
5 Soudalath ສູດລາດ Prosperous and fortunate
6 Latsami ລາສາມີ Beautiful and charming
7 Chanthip ຈັນທິບ Moonlight, gentle
8 Soutsada ສູດສາດ Wisdom, virtue
9 Chinda ຈິນດາ Graceful, delicate
10 Phailin ພາຍລິນ Sapphire
11 Somsamay ສົມສະໄມຍ Prosperous and beautiful
12 Chanthida ຈັນທິດາ Moonlight, brightness
13 Keota ເກອຕາ Precious, valuable
14 Chansy ຈັນສີ Moonlight, elegance
15 Vongdeuan ວົງເດວານ Bright moon
16 Latsamy ລາສາມີ Beautiful and graceful
17 Naly ນາລີ Lovely, precious
18 Thipphaphone ທິບພາພອນ Bright and shining
19 Souphaphone ສຸພາພອນ Bright and radiant
20 Ketsana ກະສານາ Honest, sincere
21 Khamphet ຄໍາເພດ Precious gem
22 Sivilay ສິວິລາຍ Virtuous and graceful
23 Somvong ສົມວົງ Prosperous and successful
24 Phetsavanh ເພດສະວັນ Precious and happy
25 Keosavanh ເກົາສະວັນ Precious and happy
26 Chindavone ຈິນດາວົນ Graceful and radiant
27 Kanya ກັນຍາ Girl, young woman
28 Chanthalay ຈັນທະລາຍ Moonlight and beauty
29 Keomalavong ເກົາມະລະວົງ Precious and glorious
30 Vongvilay ວົງວິລາຍ Radiant and successful
31 Chansouk ຈັນສູກ Prosperous and bright
32 Channida ຈັນນິດາ Moonlight and grace
33 Malisone ມະລິສອນ Beautiful and graceful
34 Keomany ເກົາມານີ Precious and abundant
35 Savanh ສະວນ Happiness, joy
36 Alina ອະລິນາ Light, radiant
37 Khampheng ຄໍາເພງ Calm and peaceful
38 Chanthira ຈັນທິລາ Moonlight, brightness
39 Vixay ວິຊະຍ Success and achievement
40 Somphone ສົມພອນ Prosperous, peaceful
41 Sengdao ສົງເດາ Bright moon
42 Viengkham ວຽງຄໍາ Bright and peaceful
43 Phetphaly ເພດພາລີ Precious and radiant
44 Khamla ຄໍາລາ Peaceful and gentle
45 Soudavone ສູດສາວົນ Prosperous and kind
46 Souknida ສູກນິດາ Virtuous and kind
47 Khamphanh ຄໍາພັນ Peaceful and prosperous
48 Vilayphone ວິລາຍພອນ Successful and virtuous
49 Chanthala ຈັນທະລາ Moonlight and prosperity
50 Sengchanh ສົງຈະນ Bright and successful
51 Souksavanh ສູກສະວັນ Prosperous and happy
52 Keomorakot ເກົາມະຣະຄົດ Precious and bright
53 Phonsavanh ພອນສະວັນ Prosperous and happy
54 Thongloun ທອງລູນ Prosperous and successful
55 Soudaly ສູດາລີ Prosperous and bright
56 Phouthavy ພຸດທະວີ Greatness and virtue
57 Somsanith ສົມສານິດ Prosperous and successful
58 Somboun ສົມບຸນ Prosperity
59 Chanthone ຈັນທະອອນ Moonlight and prosperity
60 Phoxay ພົມໄຊ Prosperous and bright
61 Somboune ສົມບົວນ Prosperous and happy
62 Phoudara ພູດາລາ Abundant and prosperous
63 Khamphoua ຄໍາພູອາ Peaceful and kind
64 Phimmasone ພິມມາສອນ Abundant and beautiful
65 Keosouvanh ເກົາສູວັນ Precious and prosperous
66 Somsouvanh ສົມສູວັນ Prosperous and successful
67 Phimphavong ພິມພາວອງ Beautiful and bright
68 Khamphaeng ຄໍາເພງ Peaceful and calm
69 Chansouda ຈັນສູດ Moonlight and kindness
70 Khamphout ຄໍາພູດ Peaceful and prosperous
71 Sombath ສົມບັດ Prosperous and good
72 Soutsakhone ສູດສາຂະວອນ Wise and graceful
73 Keokham ເກົາຄໍາ Precious and prosperous
74 Keophomma ເກົາພອມມາ Precious and abundant
75 Bounnida ບຸນນິດາ Prosperous and kind
76 Thipphavanh ທິບພາວັນ Bright and radiant
77 Khamvone ຄໍາວອນ Peaceful and gentle
78 Phayvanh ພະຍວນ Prosperous and kind
79 Keophasouk ເກົາພະສູກ Precious and successful
80 Khamchanh ຄໍາຈະນ Peaceful and successful
81 Bounpheng ບຸນເພງ Prosperous and happy
82 Chanthalat ຈັນທະລາດ Moonlight and beauty
83 Maliny ມະລິນຍີ Beautiful and delicate
84 Phoutthavong ພູດທະວອງ Greatness and success

Read more: Most Popular Lao Names for Boys

In summary,

The names featured in this article reflect the beauty and cultural heritage of Laos. Whether you’re looking for a name with deep significance or simply a lovely sound, these popular Lao names for girls offer a wonderful selection to inspire your choice.

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