90+ Most Popular Lao Names for Boys

Selecting a name for a baby boy is a special moment for parents. This article highlights the most popular Lao names for boys, offering a glimpse into the cultural heritage of Laos.

90+ Most Popular Lao Names for Boys

No. Name Lao Equivalent Meaning
1 Bounmy ບຸນມີ Prosperity
2 Khampheng ຄໍາເພງ Calm and peaceful
3 Sombath ສົມບັດ Success, prosperity
4 Chanthavong ຈັນທະວົງ Moonlight
5 Somphone ສົມພອນ Prosperous, peaceful
6 Khamsouk ຄໍາສູດ Full of happiness
7 Somboun ສົມບຸນ Prosperity
8 Phet ເພດ Gem, precious stone
9 Kham ຄໍາ Peaceful
10 Sengkham ສົງຄໍາ Bright, prosperous
11 Vong ວົງ Circle, complete
12 Souk ສູກ Wealth, fortune
13 Bounkham ບຸນຄໍາ Prosperity and peace
14 Chanthala ຈັນທະລາ Moonlight
15 Somchay ສົມຈອຍ Prosperous and successful
16 Anousone ອນຸໂຊນ Graceful, kind
17 Keo ເກົາ Precious, valuable
18 Chanthone ຈັນທະອອນ Moonlight, brightness
19 Somsak ສົມສາກ Prosperous and successful
20 Bounchanh ບຸນຈະນ Prosperous and joyous
21 Xay ສະໄຊ Success, achievement
22 Somsavath ສົມສະວັດ Prosperous, full of grace
23 Khamtai ຄໍາໃຕໍ້ Peaceful and calm
24 Boun ບຸນ Prosperity
25 Phoutthasone ພຸດທະສອນ Greatness, excellence
26 Nith ນິດ Little, small
27 Viengkham ວຽງຄໍາ Bright and peaceful
28 Khamphet ຄໍາເພດ Precious gem
29 Souksavanh ສູກສະວັນ Prosperous and happy
30 Chanthaboun ຈັນທະບຸນ Moonlight and prosperity
31 Phomma ພອມມາ Abundant, prosperous
32 Somphet ສົມເພດ Prosperous gem
33 Thongsavanh ທອງສະວັນ Prosperous and bright
34 Vieng ວຽງ Bright, prosperous
35 Chansouk ຈັນສູກ Prosperous and bright
36 Sisouphanthong ສິສຸປໍໍາທອງ Gentle and kind
37 Singto ສິງໂຕ Lion, powerful
38 Boupha ບຸບປາ Flower
39 Bounlert ບຸນເລີດ Prosperous and successful
40 Chan ຈັນ Moonlight
41 Khamphou ຄໍາພູ Peaceful and calm
42 Keosavanh ເກົາສະວັນ Precious and happy
43 Sombounthanh ສົມບຸນທາງ Prosperous and peaceful
44 Phonesavanh ພົນສະວັນ Prosperous and kind
45 Inthavong ອິນທະວົງ Moonlight
46 Sy ສີ Color, precious
47 Bounthavy ບຸນທາວີ Prosperous and fortunate
48 Savan ສະວນ Happiness, joy
49 Phaiboun ພາຍບຸນ Prosperous and wealthy
50 Bounthong ບຸນໂທງ Prosperous and successful
51 Somvang ສົມວັງ Prosperous and bright
52 Khamsone ຄໍາສົນ Peaceful and content
53 Vongdeuane ວົງເດວານ Bright and radiant
54 Sounthone ສູນທອນ Peaceful and calm
55 Keoboun ກຽບບຸນ Precious prosperity
56 Khamsy ຄໍາສຽງ Peaceful and calm
57 Souvanna ສຸວັນນາ Prosperous and good
58 Pheng ເພງ Song, music
59 Somsanith ສົມສານິດ Prosperous and successful
60 Phoutthavong ພຸດທະວົງ Greatness and success
61 Thongchanh ທອງຈະນ Successful and prosperous
62 Phetsavanh ເພດສະວັນ Precious and prosperous
63 Vongvilay ວົງວິລາຍ Radiant and successful
64 Khamvone ຄໍາວໍນ Peaceful and kind
65 Chantharath ຈັນທະລາດ Moonlight and prosperity
66 Sengphet ສົງເພດ Bright and precious
67 Somphou ສົມພູ Prosperous and kind
68 Bounkhouang ບຸນຄໍາວົງ Prosperous and successful
69 Khamphoumy ຄໍາພູມີ Peaceful and prosperous
70 Phonsavanh ພອນສະວັນ Prosperous and happy
71 Thavone ທາວອນ Prosperous and kind
72 Phouvieng ພູວຽງ Bright and clear
73 Khamsavath ຄໍາສະວັດ Peaceful and prosperous
74 Keophomma ເກົາພອມມາ Precious and abundant
75 Phoumy ພູມີ Prosperous and kind
76 Thongsouk ທອງສູກ Prosperous and successful
77 Bounmee ບຸນມີ Prosperous and happy
78 Vixay ວິຊະຍ Success and achievement
79 Xaychaleun ສະໄຊຈາລອນ Success and glory
80 Khamkhong ຄໍາຂອງ Peaceful and calm
81 Khamboun ຄໍາບຸນ Peaceful and prosperous
82 Somsouk ສົມສູກ Prosperous and successful
83 Bounsom ບຸນສອມ Prosperous and abundant
84 Keolavanh ເກົາລະວານ Precious and wealthy
85 Bounpraseuth ບຸນປະເສຶດ Prosperous and successful
86 Vanhthong ວັນທອງ Bright and successful
87 Chansone ຈັນສົນ Prosperous and kind
88 Phoutthasan ພຸດທະສານ Greatness and success
89 Khamchanh ຄໍາຈະນ Peaceful and successful
90 Boungnavong ບົວງຂະວອງ Precious and glorious
91 Xaysana ສະໄຊສານາ Success and glory
92 Sombathdy ສົມບັດດີ Prosperous and good

Read more: Most Popular Lao Names for Girls

In conclusion,

The names highlighted in this article reflect the cultural richness and traditions of Laos. Whether you’re seeking a name with deep meaning or one that resonates with family heritage, these popular Lao names for boys offer a wide range of beautiful options to consider.

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