100+ Most Popular Hong Kong Names for Boys

Discover the top Hong Kong names for boys that blend tradition and modern appeal, offering inspiration for your little one’s name.
100+ Most Popular Hong Kong Names for Boys
No. | Name | Hong Kong Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Kai | 凱 (Kai) | Victorious, triumphant |
2 | Lucas | 呂 (Lui) | Light, illumination |
3 | Ethan | 伊桑 (Yi Sang) | Strong, firm |
4 | Ryan | 瑞安 (Sui On) | Little king, descendant of kings |
5 | Max | 麥斯 (Mak Sze) | Greatest |
6 | Dylan | 狄倫 (Dai Lun) | Son of the sea |
7 | Nathan | 納森 (Na Saan) | Gift from God |
8 | Leo | 利奧 (Lei O) | Lion |
9 | Jack | 杰克 (Jak) | God is gracious |
10 | Isaac | 艾薩克 (Ngai Saak) | Laughter |
11 | Matthew | 馬修 (Maa Sau) | Gift of God |
12 | Alex | 亞歷克斯 (Aa Lik S) | Defender of the people |
13 | Daniel | 丹尼爾 (Daan Niu) | God is my judge |
14 | Joshua | 約書亞 (Yeuk Syu A) | God is salvation |
15 | Adam | 亞當 (Aa Dam) | Man, earth |
16 | Samuel | 撒母耳 (Saat Mo Yut) | Heard by God |
17 | Henry | 亨利 (Hang Lei) | Ruler of the household |
18 | James | 詹姆斯 (Jim Si) | Supplanter |
19 | Oliver | 奧利弗 (Ou Lei F) | Olive tree |
20 | Michael | 邁克爾 (Maai Hak) | Who is like God |
21 | William | 威廉 (Wai Lim) | Resolute protector |
22 | Benjamin | 本傑明 (Bun Git Ming) | Son of the right hand |
23 | Charles | 查理 (Caa Lei) | Free man |
24 | David | 大衛 (Daai Wai) | Beloved |
25 | Aaron | 亞倫 (Aa Leon) | High mountain, exalted |
26 | Eric | 艾力克 (Ngai Lik) | Ruler, eternal |
27 | Tony | 托尼 (To Ni) | Priceless, invaluable |
28 | Andrew | 安德魯 (On Dak Lou) | Manly, brave |
29 | Kenneth | 肯尼斯 (Han Neng Si) | Handsome, born of fire |
30 | Jason | 傑森 (Git San) | Healer |
31 | Patrick | 派翠克 (Paai Cheuk) | Nobleman |
32 | Tim | 提姆 (Tai M) | Time |
33 | Ian | 伊恩 (Yi On) | God is gracious |
34 | Richard | 理查德 (Lei Chaat Dak) | Brave ruler |
35 | Raymond | 雷蒙 (Leoi Mong) | Protection, advice |
36 | Steven | 史提芬 (Si Tai Fan) | Crown, wreath |
37 | Adrian | 艾德里安 (Ngai Dak Lin) | Dark one |
38 | George | 喬治 (Kiu Ji) | Farmer, earthworker |
39 | Anthony | 安東尼 (On Tung Nei) | Priceless one |
40 | Albert | 艾伯特 (Ngai Baak Dak) | Noble, bright |
41 | Paul | 保羅 (Bou Loh) | Small, humble |
42 | Stanley | 史丹利 (Si Daan Lei) | Stone clearing |
43 | Fredrick | 弗雷德里克 (Faat Leik Lik) | Peaceful ruler |
44 | Harvey | 哈維 (Haa Wai) | Battle worthy, strong |
45 | Hugo | 休戈 (Jau Fo) | Bright mind, intellect |
46 | Louis | 路易斯 (Lou Yi Si) | Famous warrior |
47 | Philip | 菲利普 (Fei Lik Po) | Lover of horses |
48 | Victor | 維克多 (Wai Fo) | Conqueror |
49 | Felix | 費利克斯 (Fei Lik Si) | Happy, fortunate |
50 | Brian | 布賴恩 (Bou Laai On) | Strong, virtuous |
51 | Calvin | 卡爾文 (Kaa Yau Man) | Bald, hairless |
52 | Christian | 克里斯蒂安 (Hak Lei Si) | Follower of Christ |
53 | Colin | 科林 (Fo Lam) | Victory of the people |
54 | Derek | 德瑞克 (Dak Seoi) | Ruler, leader |
55 | Edgar | 埃德加 (Oi Dak) | Wealthy spear |
56 | Franklin | 富蘭克林 (Fu Laam Gan) | Free land |
57 | Gabriel | 加布里埃爾 (Gaa Bou Lei) | God is my strength |
58 | Howard | 霍華德 (Fok Waa Dak) | Brave heart, protector |
59 | Jacob | 雅各 (Ngaa Gok) | Supplanter |
60 | Jeffrey | 傑佛瑞 (Git Fat Lui) | God’s peace |
61 | Jerry | 傑瑞 (Git Lui) | Rules with spear |
62 | Joseph | 約瑟夫 (Yeuk Sat F) | God will increase |
63 | Julian | 儒略 (Jyu Leoi) | Youthful |
64 | Kevin | 凱文 (Hoi Man) | Kind, gentle |
65 | Liam | 利亞姆 (Lei Aa M) | Strong-willed warrior |
66 | Martin | 馬丁 (Maa Ding) | Of Mars, warlike |
67 | Mason | 梅森 (Mui San) | Stoneworker |
68 | Nathaniel | 納撒尼爾 (Na Sa Ni Er) | Gift of God |
69 | Oscar | 奧斯卡 (Ou Si Kaa) | God’s spear |
70 | Robert | 羅伯特 (Lo Baak Dak) | Bright fame |
71 | Roger | 羅傑 (Lo Git) | Famous spear |
72 | Russell | 羅素 (Lo Seoi) | Little red-haired one |
73 | Simon | 西門 (Sai Mun) | Listener |
74 | Stephen | 史提反 (Si Tai Faan) | Crown, wreath |
75 | Thomas | 托馬斯 (To Ma Si) | Twin |
76 | Wallace | 瓦勒斯 (Waa Lok Si) | Foreigner, stranger |
77 | Wesley | 威斯利 (Wai Si Lei) | Western meadow |
78 | Xavier | 哈維爾 (Ha Wai Er) | Bright, new house |
79 | Zachary | 查克 (Caa Ke) | Remembered by God |
80 | Alan | 艾倫 (Ngai Lun) | Rock, noble friend |
81 | Cameron | 卡梅倫 (Kaa Mei Lun) | Crooked nose |
82 | Douglas | 道格拉斯 (Dou Gok La) | Dark river |
83 | Francis | 弗朗西斯 (Faat Long Si) | Free man |
84 | Arthur | 亞瑟 (Aa Se) | Bear, stone |
85 | Barry | 巴里 (Baa Lei) | Fair-haired |
86 | Blake | 布雷克 (Bou Lei) | Dark, fair |
87 | Bradley | 布拉德利 (Bou Laak Lei) | Broad meadow |
88 | Caleb | 凱勒布 (Koi Lap) | Faithful, devotion |
89 | Chester | 切斯特 (Chet Si) | Fortress, walled town |
90 | Clifford | 克利福德 (Hak Lei Fok) | Cliff ford |
91 | Cody | 科迪 (Fo Dai) | Helpful, cushion |
92 | Curtis | 柯提斯 (Fo Tai Si) | Courteous |
93 | Damon | 黛蒙 (Dai Mun) | To tame, subdue |
94 | Dennis | 丹尼斯 (Daan Nei Si) | Follower of Dionysius |
95 | Derrick | 德瑞克 (Dak Seoi) | Ruler, leader |
96 | Elijah | 以利亞 (Yi Lei Aa) | My God is Yahweh |
97 | Floyd | 弗洛伊德 (Faat Lok Yi) | Gray-haired |
98 | Graham | 格雷厄姆 (Gak Lei Aam) | Gravelly homestead |
99 | Grant | 格蘭特 (Gak Laam) | Great, large |
100 | Hugh | 休 (Jau) | Heart, mind |
101 | Jacky | 查克 (Caa Ke) | God is gracious |
102 | Jasper | 賈斯帕 (Gaa Si Baa) | Treasurer |
103 | Jeremy | 傑瑞米 (Git Lui Mei) | Exalted of God |
104 | Jonah | 約拿 (Yeuk Na) | Dove |
105 | Keith | 基思 (Gei Si) | Forest, wood |
106 | Lance | 蘭斯 (Laan Si) | Land, territory |
107 | Leonard | 李奧納德 (Lei O Na Dak) | Brave lion |
108 | Lewis | 路易斯 (Lou Yi Si) | Famous warrior |
109 | Lincoln | 林肯 (Lam Han) | Town by the pool |
110 | Luke | 路加 (Lou Gaa) | Light-giving |
111 | Marcus | 馬克斯 (Maa Hak S) | Warlike, brave |
112 | Miles | 邁爾斯 (Maai Yi Si) | Soldier, merciful |
113 | Mitchell | 米切爾 (Mai Chit) | Who is like God |
114 | Morgan | 摩根 (Mo Gan) | Sea-born |
115 | Neil | 尼爾 (Nai) | Champion, passionate |
116 | Nicholas | 尼古拉斯 (Nai Gu La Si) | Victory of the people |
117 | Odin | 奧丁 (Ou Ding) | God of poetry and war |
118 | Percy | 珀西 (Pak Si) | Pierce, piercing |
119 | Quincy | 昆西 (Gwan Sai) | Fifth-born |
120 | Ray | 雷 (Leoi) | Ray, beam |
121 | Reese | 瑞斯 (Sui Si) | Enthusiastic |
122 | Riley | 賴利 (Laai Lei) | Courageous, valiant |
123 | Ross | 羅斯 (Lo Si) | Headland |
124 | Roy | 羅伊 (Lo Yi) | King, ruler |
125 | Shane | 謝恩 (Che On) | Gift, blessing |
126 | Spencer | 斯賓塞 (Si Ban Sai) | Dispenser of provisions |
Read more: Most Popular Hong Kong Names for Girls
In conclusion,
Choosing a name for your baby boy is a significant decision that reflects your hopes and values. The popular Hong Kong names listed here offer a mix of tradition and modernity, providing meaningful options for your little one. Whatever name you choose, it will be a cherished part of your child’s identity.

Hello! I’m Emma Wells, born in 1989, and currently immersed in the field of psychological counseling for children. Beyond my role as a counselor, I’ve also delved into the realm of content creation, specializing in crafting meaningful names for little ones. I firmly believe that each name is a profound gift, a companion that accompanies a child from the moment they step into this world through every milestone in their life’s journey.
My passion for psychological counseling stems from a deep understanding of the crucial formative years and the impact they have on an individual’s well-being. As a creative name curator, I find joy in weaving stories and emotions into each name, aiming to provide parents with not just a label but a source of inspiration and positivity for their child’s entire life.
With a commitment to fostering emotional well-being and creating a sense of identity from the very start, I embark on this journey as both a counselor and a creative force, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families.