70+ Most Popular Cape Verdean Names for Girls

Cape Verdean girl names reflect the country’s rich blend of Portuguese, African, and Creole influences. This list highlights the most popular and meaningful names for girls.

70+ Most Popular Cape Verdean Names for Girls

No. Name Meaning
1 Adélia Noble, kind-hearted
2 Adriana From the Adriatic Sea
3 Alice Noble, exalted
4 Ana Grace, favor
5 Andreia Manly, brave
6 Angélica Angelic, heavenly
7 Bárbara Foreign, stranger
8 Beatriz Voyager, bringer of joy
9 Belmira Beautiful, admired
10 Carla Strong, womanly
11 Catarina Pure, innocent
12 Cláudia Lame, from a Roman family
13 Daniela God is my judge
14 Diana Divine, heavenly
15 Edna Pleasure, delight
16 Elisabete Consecrated to God
17 Eliane Sunlight, bright
18 Emanuela God is with us
19 Esperança Hope, expectation
20 Filomena Lover of music, friendly
21 Graça Grace, favor
22 Isabel God is my oath
23 Joana God is gracious
24 Júlia Youthful, soft, youthful
25 Lúcia Light, illumination
26 Luísa Famous warrior
27 Madalena Woman from Magdala
28 Mafalda Mighty in battle
29 Mariana Sea, of the sea
30 Mónica Advisor, one who is advising
31 Neusa
32 Paula Small, humble
33 Rosa Rose, flower
34 Sílvia Forest, woods
35 Sofia Wisdom, knowledge
36 Tatiana Fairy queen, from the family of Tatius
37 Teresa To harvest, reaper
38 Vera True, faith
39 Vitória Victory, triumph
40 Yolanda Violet flower
41 Zélia
42 Nilza
43 Patrícia Noble, aristocratic
44 Tânia Fairy queen, from the family of Tatius
45 Isabela Devoted to God
46 Clarisse Clear, bright
47 Solange Solemn, dignified
48 Leila Night, dark beauty
49 Luciana Light, illumination
50 Carmem Song, poem
51 Aline Noble, kind-hearted
52 Alzira
53 Amélia Work, industrious
54 Andreza
55 Antónia Priceless, invaluable
56 Bia God is my oath
57 Carina Beloved, dear one
58 Célia Heaven, sky
59 Conceição Conception, pure
60 Dália Flower, elegant
61 Djaiane
62 Edvânia
63 Elaine Sunlight, bright
64 Eva Life, living
65 Fátima Captivating, one who abstains
66 Helena Shining light, torch
67 Ivone Yew tree, evergreen
68 Jacqueline Supplanter, holder of the heel
69 Jéssica Foresight, one who sees
70 Lourdes Virgin Mary, a place of pilgrimage

Read more: Most Popular Cape Verdean Names for Boys

In conclusion,

Cape Verdean girl names beautifully capture the nation’s diverse heritage. Whether traditional or unique, these names offer meaningful choices for your baby girl.

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