80+ Most Popular Cypriot Names for Boys

Step into the captivating realm of Cypriot culture as we unveil the most popular names for boys. From cherished classics to modern favorites, these names encapsulate the essence of Cyprus’ rich heritage and vibrant identity. Join us on a journey through the cultural tapestry of Cypriot boy names, each one a testament to tradition and significance.
80+ Most Popular Cypriot Names for Boys
No. | Name | Cypriot Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Andreas | Ανδρέας | Manly, Brave |
2 | Yiannis | Γιάννης | God is gracious |
3 | Christos | Χρήστος | Christ-bearer |
4 | George | Γιώργος | Farmer, Earth-worker |
5 | Michalis | Μιχάλης | Who is like God? |
6 | Panagiotis | Παναγιώτης | All-Holy |
7 | Antonis | Αντώνης | Priceless, Highly Prized |
8 | Costas | Κώστας | Constant, Steadfast |
9 | Kyriakos | Κυριάκος | Of the Lord |
10 | Constantinos | Κωνσταντίνος | Constant, Steadfast |
11 | Dimitris | Δημήτρης | Earth-lover |
12 | Savvas | Σάββας | Sabbath |
13 | Spyros | Σπύρος | Spirit |
14 | Stavros | Σταύρος | Cross |
15 | Marios | Μάριος | From Mars, Warlike |
16 | Charalambos | Χαράλαμπος | Shining with joy |
17 | Petros | Πέτρος | Rock, Stone |
18 | Charis | Χάρης | Grace |
19 | Theodoros | Θεόδωρος | God-given |
20 | Ioannis | Ιωάννης | God is gracious |
21 | Alexandros | Αλέξανδρος | Defender of the people |
22 | Yiorgos | Γιώργος | Farmer, Earth-worker |
23 | Nikos | Νίκος | Victory |
24 | Angelos | Άγγελος | Messenger, Angel |
25 | Efstathios | Ευστάθιος | Stable, Steady |
26 | Eleftherios | Ελευθέριος | Free, Liberated |
27 | Filippos | Φίλιππος | Lover of horses |
28 | Haris | Χάρης | Grace |
29 | Kostas | Κώστας | Constant, Steadfast |
30 | Lefteris | Λευτέρης | Liberator |
31 | Manolis | Μανώλης | God with us |
32 | Markos | Μάρκος | Warlike |
33 | Nikolas | Νικόλας | Victory of the people |
34 | Pantelis | Παντελής | All-Gifted |
35 | Paris | Πάρις | From Paris, France |
36 | Pavlos | Παύλος | Small, Humble |
37 | Polys | Πολύς | Much, Many |
38 | Sotiris | Σωτήρης | Savior |
39 | Stephanos | Στέφανος | Crown |
40 | Takis | Τάκης | Short for Dimitris |
41 | Thanasis | Θανάσης | Immortal |
42 | Vasilis | Βασίλης | King |
43 | Adonis | Άδωνις | Lord |
44 | Athanasios | Αθανάσιος | Immortal |
45 | Christodoulos | Χριστόδουλος | Christ’s slave |
46 | Damianos | Δαμιανός | To tame |
47 | Dionysis | Διονύσιος | Of Dionysus, God of wine |
48 | Fanis | Φάνης | Manifestation |
49 | Fotis | Φώτης | Light |
50 | Gabriel | Γαβριήλ | God is my strength |
51 | Iason | Ιάσων | Healer, Jason |
52 | Konstantinos | Κωνσταντίνος | Constant, Steadfast |
53 | Leonidas | Λεωνίδας | Lion-like |
54 | Loukas | Λουκάς | From Lucania, Italy |
55 | Lysandros | Λυσάνδρος | Freeing man |
56 | Marinos | Μαρίνος | Of the sea |
57 | Miltiadis | Μιλτιάδης | Soldier, Warrior |
58 | Nestoras | Νέστορας | Homecoming |
59 | Odysseas | Οδυσσέας | Wrathful |
60 | Pambos | Πάμπος | All |
61 | Phoebus | Φοίβος | Bright, Pure |
62 | Polykarpos | Πολύκαρπος | Much fruit |
63 | Rafael | Ραφαήλ | God has healed |
64 | Simeon | Συμεών | God has heard |
65 | Sofoklis | Σοφοκλής | Wise glory |
66 | Themistocles | Θεμιστοκλής | Glory of the law |
67 | Theophilos | Θεόφιλος | Loved by God |
68 | Timotheos | Τιμόθεος | Honoring God |
69 | Titos | Τίτος | Title of honor |
70 | Vangelis | Βαγγέλης | Bearer of good news |
71 | Vasilios | Βασίλειος | Royal, Kingly |
72 | Xenophon | Ξενοφών | Foreign voice |
73 | Zinon | Ζήνων | Zeus |
74 | Agathangelos | Αγαθάγγελος | Good angel |
75 | Aggelos | Άγγελος | Messenger, Angel |
76 | Christakis | Χριστάκης | Christ-bearer |
77 | Christoforos | Χριστόφορος | Christ-bearer |
78 | Demetrios | Δημήτριος | Earth-lover |
79 | Dionysios | Διονύσιος | Of Dionysus, God of wine |
80 | Evangelos | Ευάγγελος | Bearer of good news |
81 | Gavriel | Γαβριήλ | God is my strength |
82 | Ioakim | Ιωάκειμ | Raised by God |
83 | Iordanis | Ιορδάνης | Descending |
84 | Lazaros | Λάζαρος | God has helped |
85 | Neofytos | Νεόφυτος | Newly planted |
86 | Sergios | Σέργιος | Keeper, Watcher |
Read more: Most Popular Cypriot Names for Girls
In conclusion,
The exploration of the most popular Cypriot names for boys offers a fascinating glimpse into the island’s cultural heritage and identity. From names steeped in ancient traditions to those embracing modern trends, each name carries with it a story, a legacy, and a sense of belonging. Through this journey, we’ve discovered the enduring significance of these names, reflecting the past, present, and future of Cyprus. As we celebrate the diversity and richness of Cypriot culture, let these names serve as a reminder of the island’s vibrant spirit and the timeless bonds that unite its people.

Hello! I’m Emma Wells, born in 1989, and currently immersed in the field of psychological counseling for children. Beyond my role as a counselor, I’ve also delved into the realm of content creation, specializing in crafting meaningful names for little ones. I firmly believe that each name is a profound gift, a companion that accompanies a child from the moment they step into this world through every milestone in their life’s journey.
My passion for psychological counseling stems from a deep understanding of the crucial formative years and the impact they have on an individual’s well-being. As a creative name curator, I find joy in weaving stories and emotions into each name, aiming to provide parents with not just a label but a source of inspiration and positivity for their child’s entire life.
With a commitment to fostering emotional well-being and creating a sense of identity from the very start, I embark on this journey as both a counselor and a creative force, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families.