100+ Most Popular Libyan Names for Boys

Choosing the perfect name for a baby boy is an important decision. In Libya, names reflect deep cultural and historical significance. This guide highlights over 100 of the most popular Libyan names for boys, offering a glimpse into the country’s rich heritage and traditions.

100+ Most Popular Libyan Names for Boys

No. Name Libyan Equivalent Meaning
1 Ahmed أحمد Praiseworthy
2 Ali علي High, elevated
3 Mohamed محمد Praiseworthy
4 Omar عمر Long-lived
5 Youssef يوسف God increases
6 Khaled خالد Eternal, immortal
7 Hassan حسن Beautiful
8 Mahmoud محمود Praiseworthy
9 Ibrahim إبراهيم Father of many
10 Abdullah عبد الله Servant of Allah
11 Faisal فيصل Decisive
12 Salem سالم Safe, secure
13 Mustafa مصطفى Chosen one
14 Hamza حمزة Lion
15 Ismail إسماعيل God hears
16 Abdulrahman عبد الرحمن Servant of the Merciful
17 Faris فارس Knight, horseman
18 Anas أنس Affectionate, friendly
19 Saad سعد Happiness, good fortune
20 Zayed زايد Abundance, growth
21 Tarek طارق Morning star
22 Nasser ناصر Helper, supporter
23 Ayman أيمن Right-handed, blessed
24 Sami سامي Elevated, sublime
25 Bilal بلال Moisture, freshness
26 Wael وائل Newborn camel
27 Amer عامر Prosperous, full
28 Rami رامي Archer, thrower
29 Jamal جمال Beauty, grace
30 Mounir منير Radiant, shining
31 Adel عادل Just, fair
32 Karim كريم Generous, noble
33 Hisham هشام Generous, tolerant
34 Samir سمير Entertaining companion
35 Rashid راشد Rightly guided
36 Laith ليث Lion
37 Ziyad زياد Growth, abundance
38 Walid وليد Newborn, boy child
39 Idris إدريس Studious, smart
40 Marwan مروان Happiness, success
41 Amin أمين Trustworthy, faithful
42 Bakr بكر Early, first-born
43 Ehab إيهاب Gift
44 Bassam بسام Smiling, cheerful
45 Qais قيس Firm, unwavering
46 Adnan عدنان Settler, one who stays
47 Haitham هيثم Young eagle
48 Imran عمران Prosperity
49 Fuad فؤاد Heart, conscience
50 Hadi هادي Guide, leader
51 Kamal كمال Perfection, excellence
52 Zain زين Beauty, grace
53 Reda رضا Contentment, satisfaction
54 Fathi فتحي Victorious, conqueror
55 Jibril جبريل Gabriel (name of an angel)
56 Majid ماجد Glorious, noble
57 Nabil نبيل Noble, honorable
58 Bassel باسل Brave, courageous
59 Riad رياض Gardens, meadows
60 Taher طاهر Pure, clean
61 Yasin ياسين One of the Prophet Muhammad’s names
62 Ilyas إلياس Elijah (biblical prophet)
63 Younes يونس Jonah (biblical prophet)
64 Ezzat عزت Honor, dignity
65 Rafiq رفيق Companion, friend
66 Munir منير Bright, shining
67 Raed رائد Leader, pioneer
68 Bashir بشير Bringer of good news
69 Mazin مازن Rain-bearing cloud
70 Issa عيسى Jesus (biblical prophet)
71 Noor نور Light, radiance
72 Atef عاطف Affectionate, kind
73 Rafik رفيق Friend, companion
74 Badr بدر Full moon
75 Firas فراس Perspicacity, insight
76 Luay لؤي Shield, protector
77 Tariq طارق Morning star, visitor of the night
78 Ghassan غسان Youthful, vigorous
79 Sharif شريف Noble, honorable
80 Murtada مرتضى Chosen, preferred
81 Anwar أنور Radiant, luminous
82 Harith حارث Farmer, cultivator
83 Lutfi لطفي Kind, gentle
84 Mamdouh ممدوح Praised, commended
85 Nour نور Light, radiance
86 Alaa علاء Nobility, excellence
87 Murad مراد Desired, wished for
88 Kassem قاسم Divider, distributor
89 Nadeem نديم Companion, friend
90 Abbas عباس Stern, strict
91 Sabri صبري Patient, perseverant
92 Jamil جميل Beautiful, handsome
93 Rashed راشد Rightly guided
94 Wahid واحد Unique, singular
95 Usama أسامة Lion-like
96 Kamel كامل Perfect, complete
97 Zuhair زهير Flowering, blooming
98 Bader بدر Full moon, early
99 Fawzi فوزي Successful, victorious
100 Fahd فهد Panther, leopard
101 Salah صلاح Righteousness, goodness
102 Haytham هيثم Young hawk, lion
103 Daud داود David (biblical figure)
104 Saeed سعيد Happy, fortunate
105 Rauf رؤوف Compassionate, kind
106 Zaki زكي Pure, chaste
107 Khalil خليل Friend, beloved
108 Naji ناجي Survivor, safe
109 Malik مالك King, owner
110 Tamer تامر One who rules
111 Aziz عزيز Beloved, dear
112 Yaser ياسر Easy-going, prosperous
113 Rashad رشاد Righteous guidance
114 Nizar نزار Fresh, radiant
115 Ihab إيهاب Gift, grant
116 Kareem كريم Generous, noble
117 Nawaf نواف High, lofty
118 Imad عماد Support, pillar
119 Fadi فادي Savior, redeemer
120 Jad جاد Serious, earnest
121 Nidal نضال Struggle, effort
122 Majed ماجد Glorious, majestic
123 Iyad إياد Support, strength
124 Naeem نعيم Comfort, ease
125 Talal طلال Nice, admirable
126 Hazem حازم Resolute, determined
127 Ziad زياد Growth, abundance
128 Tawfiq توفيق Success, prosperity
129 Yousif يوسف God increases
130 Saif سيف Sword, brave
131 Waseem وسيم Handsome, good-looking
132 Mazen مازن Rain-bearing cloud
133 Izz al-Din عز الدين Might of the faith
134 Jihad جهاد Struggle, striving
135 Ramez رامز Symbol, sign

Read more: Most Popular Libyan Names for Girls

In conclusion,

Selecting a name for your baby boy is a meaningful journey, especially when considering the rich cultural heritage of Libya. The names listed in this guide not only carry beautiful meanings but also reflect the deep history and traditions of the Libyan people. Whether you choose a name from this list or use it as inspiration, you are honoring a proud legacy that will be a part of your child’s identity.

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