100+ Most Popular Indonesian Names for Girls

Choosing the perfect name for a baby girl is a cherished task for parents, especially in Indonesia, where names are rich with cultural significance. This article explores the most popular Indonesian names for girls, shedding light on their meanings and origins. Whether you’re looking for a name that honors tradition or something unique and modern, this list of 100+ names is sure to inspire and guide you in finding the perfect name for your daughter.

100+ Most Popular Indonesian Names for Girls

No. Name Meaning
1 Alya High, sublime
2 Anita Grace, favor
3 Citra Image, picture
4 Dewi Goddess
5 Eka First, one
6 Fitri Pure, genuine
7 Gita Song
8 Hana Flower, blossom
9 Indah Beautiful
10 Jasmine Jasmine flower
11 Kartika Daughter
12 Laras Melodious
13 Maya Illusion, magic
14 Nadia Caller, announcer
15 Putri Princess
16 Rani Queen
17 Sari Essence, fabric
18 Tania Fairy queen
19 Wulan Full moon
20 Yuni Juno (Roman mythology)
21 Adelia Noble, serene
22 Bunga Flower
23 Cinta Love
24 Desi Village goddess
25 Elsa Pledged to God
26 Farah Joy, happiness
27 Hani Happy, contented
28 Intan Diamond
29 Jihan Universe, cosmos
30 Kamala Lotus
31 Lia Bringer of good news
32 Murni Pure
33 Nina Graceful
34 Prima First, excellent
35 Ratna Gem, jewel
36 Siska Child of light
37 Tasya Happiness, pleasure
38 Winda Beautiful
39 Yulia Young
40 Adele Noble
41 Bella Beautiful
42 Celine Heaven
43 Della Noble
44 Elvira White
45 Fira Beautiful, radiant
46 Gracia Grace, favor
47 Hilda Battle
48 Ines Holy
49 Karina Beloved
50 Lina Palm tree
51 Mira Admirable, peace
52 Nisa Women
53 Olla Little
54 Prita Admire, be charmed
55 Rara Rare
56 Sasha Helper and defender
57 Tari Dance
58 Vania Butterfly
59 Zahra Flowering, shining
60 Aisyah Living, prosperous
61 Bintang Star
62 Cempaka Flower of a certain tree
63 Dara Girl, maiden
64 Evelyn Desired, life
65 Fadia Saviour
66 Gadis Woman
67 Harini Goddess
68 Inaya Gift of God
69 Jelita Beautiful, splendid
70 Kamila Perfect
71 Lestari Eternal
72 Melati Jasmine
73 Nabila Noble
74 Oktavia Eighth
75 Putu Eldest daughter
76 Ratih Evening, nightfall
77 Sakura Cherry blossom
78 Ulfa Protection
79 Vira Wealthy, privileged
80 Xanthe Yellow
81 Yasmin Jasmine
82 Zahira Shining, brilliant
83 Anindya Perfect, flawless
84 Bianca White
85 Cassandra Shining upon mankind
86 Dewinta Love
87 Elvina White
88 Fika Love
89 Gisella Pledge, hostage
90 Hesti Diamond
91 Ivana God is gracious
92 Kiana Adventurous, seeking
93 Lidya Woman of Lydia
94 Mila Industrious
95 Nayla Winner, successful
96 Olive Olive tree
97 Puspita Flower
98 Qaisara Queen, ruler
99 Rahayu Peaceful, calm
100 Siti Lady
101 Ulfah Friendship, harmony
102 Viona Flower
103 Wulandari Flower
104 Xenia Welcoming, hospitable
105 Yunita Unite
106 Zahara Shining, luminous

Read more: Most Popular Indonesian Names for Boys

In conclusion,

Choosing a name for your daughter is a profound and joyous decision. The most popular Indonesian names for girls showcase the beauty and depth of the country’s cultural heritage. By exploring these names, you can find one that embodies your family’s values, traditions, and hopes for the future. Whether you opt for a name steeped in tradition or one with a modern flair, this list provides a diverse array of options to help you find the perfect name for your little girl.

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