100+ Most Popular Icelandic Girl Names

In the Icelandic cultural tapestry, girl names are more than mere labels; they’re threads intricately woven with tradition, mythology, and the country’s unique landscape. From the majestic peaks of its glaciers to the tranquil beauty of its fjords, Icelandic girl names reflect the spirit and essence of this captivating land. Join us on a journey through the most popular Icelandic girl names, each imbued with a story as rich and diverse as the country itself.

100+ Most Popular Icelandic Girl Names

No. Name Meaning
1 Sigrid Beautiful victory
2 Freyja Lady, noblewoman
3 Íris Iris (flower)
4 Embla Elm (tree)
5 Helga Holy, blessed
6 Brynja Armor, protection
7 Hilda Battle
8 Sigrún Victory, secret
9 Ragnheiður Powerful counselor
10 Ásta Love, friend
11 Guðrún God’s secret
12 Jóna God is gracious
13 Elín Torch, bright light
14 Berglind Mountain, lime tree
15 Sólveig Sun’s power
16 Dagný New day
17 Aldís Old, wise
18 Katrín Pure
19 Þórdís Thor’s goddess
20 Vigdís Battle goddess
21 Sóley Sun island
22 Hulda Hidden, secrecy
23 Steinunn Stone, wave
24 Þórunn Thor’s love
25 Bergljót Mountain, beautiful
26 Hildur Battle, fight
27 Brynhildur Battle armor
28 Ásdís God’s goddess
29 Arna Eagle
30 Hafdis Sea, goddess
31 Lovísa Famous warrior
32 Ingunn Beloved warrior
33 Sólrún Sun secret
34 Lilja Lily
35 Unnur To love
36 Þuríður Thor’s beautiful one
37 Edda Great grandmother
38 Katla Helmeted warrior
39 Snæbjörg Snow, help
40 Hrafnhildur Raven, battle
41 Guðríður God’s peace
42 Álfheiður Elf, brightness
43 Rósa Rose
44 Þóra Thunder
45 Ástríður Beautiful, loved
46 Ragnhildur Advisor in battle
47 Guðbjörg God’s protection
48 Sigríður Victory, beautiful
49 Jóhanna God is gracious
50 Hjördis Sword, goddess
51 Ólöf Ancestor’s relic
52 Bergthora Mountain, Thor
53 Ásgerður God’s enclosure
54 Bryndís Armor, goddess
55 Dís Goddess
56 Eyglo Island, loyal
57 Ragnfríður Counsel, beautiful
58 Elfa Elf
59 Guðlaug God’s water
60 Hekla Short, cloak
61 Laufey Leaf island
62 Oddný Pointed spear
63 Rún Secret, whisper
64 Selma Protected by the gods
65 Svanhildur Swan, battle
66 Þórgunna Thor’s battle
67 Þorgerður Thor’s protection
68 Þorunn Thor’s love
69 Ylfa She-wolf
70 Auður Wealth
71 Björg Rock, help
72 Greta Pearl
73 Ingveldur Guarded by Ing
74 Jónína God is gracious
75 Þorbjörg Thor’s protection
76 Arndís Eagle, goddess
77 Dagbjört Bright day
78 Fanney Adventurous
79 Gígja Fiddle, goddess
80 Hafdís Sea, goddess
81 Ingibjörg Guarded by Ing
82 Júlía Youthful, dedicated
83 Kolbrún Black, armor
84 Líf Life
85 Mæja Strength
86 Nanna Brave
87 Pála Small
88 Sesselja Norse goddess
89 Þórhildur Thor’s battle
90 Una One
91 Valdís Goddess of the slain
92 Alda Wave, god
93 Birna Bear
94 Dalla Maiden, valley
95 Freydis Noblewoman, lady
96 Gulla Gold
97 Herdís Warrior, goddess
98 Jórunn Love, secret
99 Lára Laurel
100 Mjöll Fresh snow
101 Ósk Wish
102 Rán Robber of the sea
103 Salka Sallow
104 Úrsúla Little female bear
105 Vaka Wakeful
106 Yrsa Wild she-bear
107 Arnþrúður Eagle, strength
108 Elva Elf
109 Fríða Beautiful, beloved
110 Ísold Ice, ruler
111 Kolfinna Dark, finder
112 Mær Seagull
113 Njála Passion, dedication
114 Pétursdóttir Daughter of Peter
115 Sædís Seaborn, goddess
116 Björk Birch tree
117 Hrefna Raven
118 Svala Swallow
119 Þórkatla Thor’s helmet

Read more: Most Popular Icelandic Boy Names

In conclusion,

As we conclude our exploration of Icelandic girl names, we find ourselves enchanted by the depth of tradition and beauty encapsulated within each name. From the timeless elegance of names like Sigrid and Freyja to the contemporary allure of Íris and Embla, these names serve as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Iceland. They are not just names but reflections of a vibrant history, mythology, and landscape, ensuring that the legacy of Icelandic naming traditions continues to inspire and captivate for generations to come.

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