100+ Most Popular Algerian Names for Boys

Choosing the right name for a baby boy is important for many Algerian parents. This article highlights the most popular Algerian names for boys, blending tradition and modernity to inspire your choice.

100+ Most Popular Algerian Names for Boys

No. Name Algerian Equivalent Meaning
1 Ahmed أحمد Highly praised
2 Mohamed محمد Praised one
3 Rayan ريان Paradise, abundant
4 Yacine ياسين Rich, prosperous
5 Sofiane سفيان Traveler, guide
6 Amir أمير Prince, commander
7 Nabil نبيل Noble
8 Samir سمير Entertaining companion
9 Anis أنيس Friendly, sociable
10 Karim كريم Generous
11 Hakim حكيم Wise
12 Hamza حمزة Strong, steadfast
13 Ismail إسماعيل God will hear
14 Khaled خالد Eternal
15 Reda رضا Contentment
16 Farid فريد Unique
17 Zinedine زين الدين Beauty of the religion
18 Ilyes إلياس The Lord is my God
19 Bilal بلال Water, moisture
20 Aymen أيمن Right-hand, blessed
21 Mehdi مهدي Guided one
22 Mourad مراد Desired
23 Hichem هِشام Generosity
24 Samy سامي Elevated, sublime
25 Zaki زكي Pure, virtuous
26 Lounis لونس Friendly, companion
27 Aymane أيمن Blessed, fortunate
28 Nassim نسيم Breeze
29 Yasser ياسر Easy, prosperous
30 Walid وليد Newborn, child
31 Ali علي Exalted, noble
32 Djamel جمال Beauty
33 Imad عماد Support, pillar
34 Mustapha مصطفى Chosen one
35 Tarek طارق Morning star, one who knocks
36 Yahya يحيى Alive, living
37 Abdallah عبد الله Servant of God
38 Fares فارس Knight, horseman
39 Lotfi لطفي Kind, gentle
40 Billel بلال Water, moisture
41 Said سعيد Happy, fortunate
42 Abdellah عبد الله Servant of God
43 Malik مالك King
44 Youcef يوسف God increases
45 Idris إدريس Studious, interpreter
46 Kamel كامل Complete, perfect
47 Rabah رباح Successful
48 Selim سليم Safe, secure
49 Tahar طاهر Pure, clean
50 Chafik شفيق Compassionate
51 Riad رياض Gardens, meadows
52 Azzedine عز الدين Glory of the religion
53 Omar عمر Long-lived
54 Abdelkader عبد القادر Servant of the powerful
55 Younes يونس God is gracious
56 Abdou عبدو Servant, slave
57 Ryad رياض Gardens, meadows
58 Bachir بشير Bringer of good news
59 Mounir منير Illuminating
60 Nassir ناصر Helper, supporter
61 Salim سليم Safe, sound
62 Saad سعد Happiness
63 Faouzi فوزي Successful
64 Idriss إدريس Studious, interpreter
65 Rachid رشيد Rightly guided
66 Mehrez مهريز One who guides
67 Amine أمين Trustworthy
68 Messaoud مسعود Happy, fortunate
69 Issam عصام Safeguard, protector
70 Zoubir زوبير Chief, leader
71 Abdelhak عبد الحق Servant of the truth
72 Kheireddine خير الدين Goodness of the religion
73 Haroun هارون Warrior, strong
74 Abdelhamid عبد الحميد Servant of the Praised
75 Lamine الأمين Trustworthy
76 Larbi العربي The Arab
77 Redouane رضوان Satisfaction, contentment
78 Abdellatif عبد اللطيف Servant of the kind
79 Abderrahmane عبد الرحمن Servant of the Merciful
80 Taher طاهر Pure, clean
81 Slimane سليمان Peaceful, tranquil
82 Chemseddine شمس الدين Sun of the religion
83 Aadil عادل Just, fair
84 Salem سالم Safe, secure
85 Hassen حسن Good, beautiful
86 Kader قادر Able, capable
87 Abderrahim عبد الرحيم Servant of the Merciful
88 Nourredine نور الدين Light of the religion
89 Brahim إبراهيم Father of a multitude
90 El Hadi الهادي The guide
91 Zahir زاهر Blossoming, radiant
92 Yahia يحيى Alive, living
93 Abdelaziz عبد العزيز Servant of the Mighty
94 Louay لؤي Strong, powerful
95 Ramzi رمزي Symbolic
96 Adil عادل Just, fair
97 Khader خضر Green, fresh
98 Bahri بحري Maritime, sea-related
99 Sami سامي Elevated, sublime
100 Ridha رضا Satisfaction, contentment
101 Hedi هادي Guide, leader
102 Abdelmoumen عبد المؤمن Servant of the faithful
103 Khalil خليل Friend, companion
104 Ismaël إسماعيل God will hear
105 Oussama أسامة Lion
106 Yacoub يعقوب He who supplants
107 Sabir صابر Patient
108 Talal طلال Admirable
109 Amrane عمران Prosperity
110 Djaffar جعفر Stream, small river
111 Anouar أنور Radiant, luminous
112 Naceur ناصر Helper, supporter
113 Idir إيدر Strong, powerful
114 Rami رامي Archer
115 Kaddour قدور Generous
116 Boumediene بومدين Father of the good
117 Soufiane سفيان Traveler, guide
118 Sabri صبري Patient
119 Hatem حاتم Decider, determiner
120 Ibrahim إبراهيم Father of a multitude
121 Shadi شادي Singer, joyful
122 Yassir ياسر Easy, prosperous
123 Azzeddine عز الدين Glory of the religion
124 Moha موحى Source of light
125 Youssef يوسف God increases
126 Rahim رحيم Compassionate
127 Saïd سعيد Happy, fortunate
128 Othmane عثمان Wise, prosperous

Read more: Most Popular Algerian Names for Girls

In conclusion,

Algerian names for boys offer a beautiful mix of tradition, meaning, and modern appeal. Whether you’re drawn to classic names or more contemporary options, this list provides plenty of inspiration for choosing the perfect name for your little one.

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